So far I've only read up through the first three chapters. The main settings in this book so far are the Support Group for kids that survived cancer and Augustus' house. The main character, Hazel has beaten cancer but still has bad lungs. She is also depressed so her mom makes her go a support group to try and make her to be more social. At the support group she met Augustus. Hazel and Augustus live in Indianapolis. It hasn't been said yet when the story is occurring.
There isn't much description about the setting but in chapter two there was a great description of how Hazel looked when she was 14 and still battling cancer, "I was looking pretty dead-my hands and feet ballooned; my skin cracked; my lips were perpetually blue." I think john Green did a great job at making the reader visualize Hazel. I can see her in my head as a young fragile girl lying down in a hospital bed.
I like the quote you used; it strengthened the meaning of the text, good job!