Sunday, November 3, 2013

Prosper in The Thief Lord

In this book Prosper has to take care of his younger brother, Bo.  Prosper has to take the role of a parent after they run away to Venice, Italy.  Prosper changes a lot throughout the story because he has to learn to live on his own and take care of his brother.  In the beginning Prosper is laid back and happy that he and his brother have ascaped from their aunt and uncle, but when they find out that their aunt hired a detective to find them, Prosper becomes more cautious and protective of Bo.  When they find Victor the detective following them around the city, Prosper becomes very afraid that his aunt will find Bo and Prosper will never be able to be with his brother again.  When Bo decides that he wants to become a thief like their leader, Scipio, Prosper becomes very worried because he doesn't want Bo to steal. Towards the end of the book, Prosper goes with Scipio and sneaks onto someones property.  They get caught but the owners of the house let them ride on a magical merry go round which turns Scipio  into a grownup.

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