Sunday, October 6, 2013

Theif Lord by Cornelia Funke, Reading skills

Right now I’m reading the Thief Lord by Cornelia Funke.  This book is about a group of orphans who live together in an abandoned movie theater that they call The Star Palace.  Their leader, Scipio, didn’t live with them but he helped them by sneaking into houses and stealing valuable things.  The children would then go to a pawn shop and sell the things they stole to the shop owner, Barbarosa.  But one day they got an offer, Scipio would break into a house to steal a wooden wing for a old man known as the Conte.  In reward they would get a large reward, five million lire. I wonder why the Conte would pay so much for a wooden wing.  They found out that the wing belonged to an old magical merry go round.  The merry go round made children into adults and adults into children. 

I predict that Scipio and the kids will go try to find the merry go round, I also predict that Scipio will want to ride it and become an adult because he always tries to act grown up.

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