Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Teen invents new way to detect Pancreatic Cancer

A couple days ago I came across an article about a 15 year old science prodigy.  Jack Andraka was a typical high school freshman, except from the fact that he won first place at the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair and won $75,000.  Jack won because he created a new way to detect pancreatic cancer; the most lethal form of cancer.  Pancreatic cancer is very difficult to detect in a patient, so his discovery is definitely a step forward in increasing the amount of survivors.  He got inspired when his uncle died of pancreatic cancer.

Its amazing to think that someone this young could make such a big difference in science.  So many people die because they are diagnosed too late, but with this new way to detect pancreatic cancer, there will be so many more survivors.  I never thought that a kid in my grade could make such a big discovery.  But Jack definitely proved me wrong.  This article helped me realize that anybody can make a difference.

I could relate to this article because my grandma had pancreatic cancer, but luckily the doctors diagnosed her when the cancer was in a very early stage.  She is now done with chemo and much healthier now. :)


Video of Jack at the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair:

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