Wednesday, February 12, 2014

The best thing about The Fault in Our Stars

I think the best thing about this book is Augustus.  I really like how John Green portrayed him as a very gentleman-like guy.  He respects hazel's decision to just be friends even though he really likes her and Hazel likes him.  Augustus is also very generous to Hazel and lets her use his wish to go to Amsterdam.  Hazel already used her wish to go to Disneyworld and Augustus was more than happy to offer his wish to her.  I also really like how respectful Augustus is to Hazel's mom.  When Hazel and her mom went to pick Augustus up to go to the airport he said, "Always a pleasure to see you, ma'am."

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Best line from Chapter four in The Fault in Our Stars

I think the best line from chapter four was the very last line, "'That's the thjing about pain, "Augustus said, and then glanced back at me, 'It demands to be felt."  I really like this line because it really explains how powerful pain can be.  Augustus is always saying wise and inspirational things to Hazel, but so far I think this line makes the biggest impact on the reader.  When I read this line, I had to stop and think about it for a minute.  When you feel pain, whether its a papercut or a broken bone, it doesnt go away immediately.  It stays for a while.  I think pain is very demanding, it consumes your attention.